QR and Barcode Scanner app free download QR and Barcode Scanner for Android - Barcode Reader


QR and Barcode Scanner app free download QR and Barcode Scanner for Android - Barcode Reader
QR and Barcode Scanner app free download QR and Barcode Scanner for Android - Barcode Reader

Hi friends my Name is amie today I will show you a very interesting and useful app that every person using a smartphone should have the name of this

app is QR and barcode scanner yes using
this app you can easily scan all the QR
and barcodes that are printed on the products so what is its use why we
should use it actually this app is a very fast and using this app you can easily scan the product barcodes okay with QR and barcode scanner in shops and

you can easily compare the prices with
online prices and can save lots of money
actually this can be used for scanning
coupons and coupon codes and you can
receive discounts and can save money
okay so in this way it is very useful app you must have it now I will show you

How you can install

this app so for this first of all you need to go to the Play Store okay here we are in Play Store and type here QR and barcode scanner okay here it is QR and barcode scanner click on this and you will see I have already installed this app so I'm not going to install it again I will just open it you
see here this is very good app because
it has been downloaded more than 50 million times and it's rating is also
very good for point fold so it is very quick and very accurate it can read all
kinds of QR and barcode types including
Text URL ISBN product contact calendar email location Wi-Fi and many other formats so you must download it so see

How it works

I will show you here how it works you
can see in my mobile that at the first
place here it is QR n barcode click on
this now I will show you how to use this
QR n barcode scanner by first scanning a
barcode ok then I will show you by
scanning a QR code so let's see here is
a product it is a Patanjali song that a
fish was and here is its barcode it has
scanned it okay it's very quick actually
you have seen it so I have an option of
product search or web search
let's first go to the product search and
open it in Chrome okay just once so see
here you see I can see it's a price sir its image

Patanjali Chandra fish was 60 gram and
rupees 60 okay you can also see various
things about images and maps okay you
can see various images you could have
also clicked on this this part also like
first I clicked on product search now I
will show you what is inside this web
search open it with Google see here this
is web search Patanjali is on there face
wash okay so every detail you can get it
from here it is very useful

now let's scan one QR code this was a
bar code let's see one example of QR
code now you see this is my power bank
and it has a QR code printed on it
so let's scan this QR code it has a
scanned it quickly and let's open it you
can visit this website or you can open
it let's click on this website it is the power bank so see here this is a Remo
or a IMO okay it was my Powerbank
Powerbank it this website is making
different products okay you see this is
showing various power banks okay so it
is very easy to scan and compare you can
actually main use I have found it that I

personally use of this app is whenever I
go to shop and I found any product then
I can easily take that product and scan
it and can easily compare the prices and
I can see what is its price online and in this way I can get various information about that product it's

complete information actually you can
visit the website and if you have one
product and you want to order the same
kind of product then you can simply scan
that and you will get you can also buy
that product another product online so there are multiple benefits okay as I
already told you that you can also get
benefits of coupon courses scan them and
get discounts so it is a very simple and
very quick also very accurate I have
found it so all you just need to do is

just to place this app over the QR or
barcode and it will automatically scan
it no need to press any button or to do
anything else it's very easy to use so
hope you have liked the post and this

you can download the app from the link I
will put the link to download this app

                    Download QR Code Scanner 

So I hope you enjoyed This Post
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